Handel Masterworks 12

Handel, George Frideric , 1685-1759.

Handel Masterworks 12 : Messiah Part I ; Part II (beginning) [grabación sonora] / George Frideric Handel - Estados Unidos : Decca , 1976. - 1 CD + 1 folleto (58 p.) - Handel: The Masterworks ; 12 .

CD 12: Messiah Part. I
1. Symphony
2. Comfort Ye My People... Every Valley Shall Be Exalted tenor
3. And The Glory Of The Lord chorus
4. Thus Saith The Lord... But Who May Abide bass
5. And He Shall Purify the sons of Levi chorus
6. Behold, a virgin shall conceive... O thou that tellest good Tidings mezzo-soprano, chorus
7. For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover the Earth... The People That Walked In Darkness bass
8. For Unto us A Child Is Born chorus
9. Pifa (Pastoral Symphony)
10. There were shepherds... And lo, the angel of the Lord... And the angel said unto them... And Suddenly There Was With The Angel soprano
11. Glory to God in the Highest chorus
12. Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter Of Zion soprano
13. Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind... He Shall Feed His Flock mezzo-soprano
14. His Yoke Is Easy chorus -- Part II
15. Behold The Lamb Of God Chorus
16. He Was Despised mezzo-soprano.

Elly Ameling, soprano
Anna Reynolds, mezzo-soprano
Philip Langridge, tenor
Gwynne Howell, bass.


CD785.1254 / H236h

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